I would like to say that I did not post about our holiday season until now, because it was a period of rest and time to walk life slowly. Although there were moments throughout the season to breathe deeply and reflect, it did not happen as much as I would have liked. As a family we did find that daily breath and reflection time in our observation of Advent. The kids get so excited each year for our daily readings and ornaments to hang. This year we enjoyed Ann Voskamp's new release
Unwrapping the Greatest Gift in the evenings in addition to selected scripture readings in the mornings. Although we already had two previous sets of ornaments from her prior publications, I couldn't help but print out the free printable ornaments to match the book. The kids jumped right in and colored them beautifully which we then put on a wall calendar in our kitchen. I am so thankful for this family tradition and for the deeper understanding our children are gaining from year to year of the significance of Christ's coming to be with us.

Building a gingerbread house (thanks to IKEA) was also a repeat activity for us this year.
Non-stop Christmas baking seemed to encompass the entire month. Baking for neighbors, Caritas volunteers and friends, in addition to what I bake weekly for those who attend Caritas plus for our own family meant that I spent a lot of time in the kitchen. Oh and my dishwasher decided to die on me the beginning of the month and did not get fixed until just this week. I had an ornament hanging near my sink that simply said "joy" which I needed as a reminder when the sink was an overflowing mess! The kids helped as they could but school kept them busy all the way until the 23rd.
Tray of cookies for a friend who had cancer surgery right before Christmas. She was overjoyed since she was not able to bake herself.
For our neighbors, we gifted them my homemade grape jelly from our fall harvest, a jar of cookies and Jonathan's CD. Our gift deliveries to our six neighbors took less than 3 hours this year, but still we had some time with each of them and are thankful for this time of year when hearts and homes are more open.
Ten plates of cookies for those that volunteer weekly at the local charity.
I was tired even before we hit Christmas day but it is always worth it to give and bless others in the name of Jesus.