It is always a special joy to celebrate another year of gifted life for our children. They are growing up far too fast and it takes much concerted reflection to note their changes. Sometimes we are just too close to see the subtle changes and then we celebrate another birthday and are dumbfounded as we reflect back to see how much they have grown and matured in a year!
Emma turned 12 years old last week, and she was beyond excited to FINALLY be twelve because she was tired of being eleven. She was pretty indecisive this year on gift ideas, cake ideas and how to celebrate her special day. However, she for sure knew she wanted lasagna and chocolate cake--those were no brainers! Maybe it was in part indecision or maybe it was her increased sensitivity towards others and not wanting to add to anyones work load or expense on her behalf. But it is our greatest joy to lavish good gifts on our children! So with some prodding and encouragement she finally came up with some ideas.
She was abounding in gratitude for all the effort and energy exerted on her behalf to make her day special. Thankfulness just pours out from her mouth continually. It is a beautiful thing and such an example and encouragement to me. I see the Spirit working in her heart and she is growing into such a beautiful young lady that loves others with kindness, patience and empathy. Emma is my right hand helper, partner in crafting and fount of great joy and life in our home. We love her to pieces and could not be more blessed and proud to have her as our daughter! Happy 12th our sweet Emma!
Emma waited painstakingly long to share and eat her birthday cake with the Bible study group. This collage was created by Sara as she captured the special moment for us. |