Saturday, November 22, 2008
I'm NOT kidding.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Welcome Home Samuel
Emma and Grandma planned a "Welcome Home" party for Samuel. They ordered him a Wall-E cake and got his favorite ice cream too (Deer Traxx). Luca had a very hard day as I think he had his limit of abnormalities. Each child dealt with this past week in a different manner but we hope attitudes and emotions can be tamed down a bit as the days progress.
We are now trying to regain our footing and prepare for our departure to California on Monday. Thanks for keeping us in your prayers as always!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Samuel Update
About 5:00pm we were able to go see Samuel in the Cath Lab so he could hear our voices as he was coming to. The intensivist who was keeping Samuel sedated said his job was very “boring” since Samuel responded so well to the sedation and his blood pressure and vitals remained at an optimal status the entire time. This was something that may not have been the case if he underwent this procedure last Friday with a fever. The electrophysiologist said that was an important factor since his hands were full trying to locate the problem and perform the ablation, which was in an unusual and challenging location. The procedure thus took longer but we praise the Lord for the elimination of the problem.
The doctor did not see any SVT while trying to induce an episode after the ablation so he is very confident there will be no further problems. In Dr. Woelfel’s words he said: “I am glad this was not my first case and I’m really glad it was me who performed the ablation.” (His colleague was willing although hesitant to perform the procedure on Friday in his place). We can clearly see how God has worked through every detail of this trial for us. Samuel and Dr. Woelfel both needed to be in optimum health for this successful procedure so we praise the Lord for His watch care over the situation, even if it was a longer weekend for us.
The hardest part of the day (besides the 3 hours in the waiting room) was keeping Samuel’s leg completely straight and still for 6 hours post op. For the first hour it took 4 of us to keep Samuel still as he was coming out of his sedated state and was very mad at us for holding his leg down. Once he became more lucid and distracted (by playing PlayStation with Dada) our task became easier. A quick eco showed that his heart looks good but he’ll remain under ICU observation with the anticipation of being released tomorrow morning sometime.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all of your prayers for Samuel! He certainly has been at peace this entire time and a wonderful patient…7 days and 6 nights confined to a bed for an active 5 year old boy is not an easy task, but he has done so without much complaint. We are so grateful that we will be united as a family tomorrow!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
We ask you to pray for our friends/neighbors that moved from Leini' (Italy) to Sylmar just two weeks ago. Raffaele, Manuela and their little children, Naomi & Simeone have been evacuated from their home. So far their home is safe and their needs are being met. Not speaking the language, no doubt they are having quite the culture shock on top of this disaster. We plan to see them on our CA visit. Please keep them along with so many others who have lost their homes in your thoughts and prayers. Pray that the churches and believers will rise to the occasion to demonstrate the love of Jesus in practical and meaningful ways that will bring honor to Him.
Samuel Update
Saturday was Samuel’s best day by far. He was fever free all day and was very perky. He woke up after a long night of light sleeping and immediately said he needed to stand up and get out of bed. He sat in the rocking chair for most of the day playing PlayStation, watching movies and reading books. He hasn’t complained too much about leaving, thankfully, since he has three more days to go yet. Friday night his SVT episodes started at 10:30pm and ended at 4:30am. For the most part he slept right through them but the frequency was between 10-20 minutes apart and enduring at the most for 2 minutes. So with the alarms sounding and nurses running in each time it was a long night for Noella. He only had a couple of episodes during the day yesterday. The doctor fully removed Samuel from medication at 10pm Saturday night so that there is time for his system to clear itself of the meds in order to make sure he can locate and ablate the problem on Monday. Therefore, we anticipate there to be more SVT episodes leading up to the ablation but are told not be concerned unless Samuel cannot convert on his own in a reasonable time. Munga (grandpa) spent the night last night with Samuel and we are thankful Samuel had a good night of sleep waking up at 8:30am!
Points of Praise & Prayer:
· Pray Samuel will be able to convert on his own for any SVT episodes that occur.
· Pray for Dr. Woefle who will be performing the procedure on Monday at 2:00PM and that
God would guide his hands in locating the problem quickly with a successfully outcome.
· Pray for patience, peace and understanding as we will explain to Samuel tomorrow morning what is going to happen.
· Praise Samuel’s fever is gone and that he is in good spirits.
P.S. Samuel lost his First Tooth yesterday. The Tooth Fairy even found him in the hospital. Here is a picture of the proud little guy with the sign he wrote: Samuel ‘s Tof [tooth]
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Samuel’s ablation procedure was postponed for today. The surgeon came down with the flu. The first time he has had to call in sick in 17 years! Considering all the factors we are dealing with at the moment we know it is God’s providential timing. Samuel is continuing to battle a fever and it would be best to get that under control prior to having the procedure done. Since he has had a fever for 3 days the doctors are going to give him a precautionary treatment of antibiotics to make sure he is free of infection by Monday.
Last night Samuel slept well but was having frequent episodes of tachycardia that would correct themselves after 30 seconds or so. He was moved back in to ICU today and will remain here until Tuesday. He is back on his IV medication to try to keep these episodes under control. His ablation is now rescheduled for Monday at 2:00pm
Here is how you can pray:
-Pray that Samuel's fever will go away completely
-Pray for us as we are alternating good and bad days (depending on whose night it was to sleep at the hospital)
-Pray for Emma and Luca. They are having a particularly hard time having Samuel and their parents gone.
-Pray for Jonathan's parents, Tim & Lora. They are a tremendous support to us running between the hospital and taking over primary care for the two little ones over the past few days. We are all very tired and ask that you pray for strength and health for all as we are battling colds on different levels.-Pray for our testimony and witness to the doctors and nurses and that Christ would be glorified in our lives and through this situation.
Thank you for all of your prayers on our behalf and for your emails. We have yet to read them all, but please know that they are serving as a huge encouragement to us during this time.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Hospitalization of Samuel
Samuel's episode came in full force yesterday as he entered super ventricular tachycardia (SVT) once again. It started around 1:20pm, and so we were able to record the episode with the monitor and send it to the doctor. However the episode continued on. After some waiting to hear back from the cardiologist, we called back when Samuel's tachycardia had continued for an hour and a half. They told us to take him to the ER. We took him in around 3:30. At that point, he was starting to get weak and had to be taken by wheelchair into the hospital. They proceeded to run some tests and tried various means including some strong medication to reset his heart and bring him out of the tachycardia. At this point his heart rate had been between 260-270 BPM for over two hours. We started to become really concerned when it seemed as though the ER staff seemed at a loss as to what to do next. They were able to get his heart to slow down for a few seconds, but then it would jump back up to the high rate. It's never good to hear from the doctor: "This is very strange. We're usually able to get people out of the tachycardia by this point." They ended up calling in the cardiologist and made the decision to have Samuel admitted.
So they moved him to intensive care and put him on some different medication which, as I understand it, is pretty strong stuff. It took a while but after 3 doses his heart finally slowed down, about six hours after his heart had gone into the tachycardia. We were very thankful that the ICU staff was able to get his heart reset.
Samuel was weaned off the IV meds this afternoon and is now taking oral medication to suppress any further episodes and keep his heart at a normal rate. In discussing our unique circumstances and time frame in wanting to get back to Italy our cardiologist is advising that we have the extra electrical pathway in Samuel’s heart ablated. The cardiologist believes he will continue to have these episodes without any intervention.
Samuel was just transferred out of ICU and will continue to be monitored. He is scheduled for his ablation at 2:30pm tomorrow (Friday) afternoon. He has been battling a fever yesterday and today along with a very dry but persistent cough. He currently is feeling much better and having kept his dinner down is looking much perkier. The team of doctors and electro-cardiologist will evaluate him tomorrow morning to make sure his cold symptoms will not pose a hindrance to the procedure. If all goes well, he could be released tomorrow night.
Thank you for praying, and thank you for taking the time to read this post. We will keep you updated as we can. Pray for a good night of rest for Samuel (okay, and the parents as well), continued strength and a peace and calmness for us all as Samuel goes through the procedure tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Ordination of Jonathan E. KIeis
We had the great joy and honor of having Jonathan ordained this past weekend by our home church, Grace Baptist in Cedarville. We were so blessed and challenged at the ordination service held on Sunday night. What an amazing privilege and responsibility to be set apart in such a way as Jonathan has devoted his life to ministry and to the preaching of God's Word. Pastor Craig delivered a wonderful charge to the congregation of looking for those men set apart for ministry and Chris Miller challenged Jonathan directly with a simple and unforgettable message of focusing on "life AND doctrine" from I Timothy 4:16.
Many other special people such as Pastor Rohm and Brian Nester also shared a part in the service. There was a reception following in which we were able to greet several out of town visitors that came to celebrate with us and then to say "goodbye" to those from our church family. Yes, the long and difficult process of saying "goodbye" to people has now begun for us and there are 2 months yet to go. We thank all of you who were able to share in this special night with us and for those who were there in spirit and praying for a night of blessing and great honor given to God. Your prayers were answered! Thank you especially to the office staff: Jeff Brock, Beth Stiles, and Deb Halsmith and others for making this night come together behind the scenes. We covet your prayers for wisdom, humility, devotion to truth, faithfulness in preaching the gospel and living a life that corresponds with God's truth without hypocrisy.
Samuel Update
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Birthday Party
As you will see, I made a frog cake that looks like "Big Frog". I had fun experimenting with fondant for the first time too. The frog was a pound cake and the pond was chocolate cake. It took 2 days to make and as always with lots and lots of hours of love poured in to it. It was so rewarding to just hear Emma say: It's Beautiful, Mamma!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Emma Patryce!
Our precious little girl turns four years old today! We are so thankful for Emma and for her enthusiasm for life, joy and laughter she brings to our family. She is our little princess even though her tastes are everything opposite of girly princess stuff. It thrills our hearts to see how she has grown over the years and especially concerning her understanding of Jesus. It is our prayer that Emma will one day give her heart to Jesus and grow in to a godly woman that serves Him wholeheartedly and loves Him above all else. We will have lots of pictures to share from her birthday celebration this evening so stay tuned...
Saturday, November 1, 2008
The Treats
As a child I only remember going "Trick or Treating" a couple of times because ever since my little brother, Cody, was born on Halloween it has always been a birthday celebration day instead. So watching our kids participate in this American tradition was almost like it was the first time for me as well. Last night we went over to the Fields' house around the corner where their small group from church got together to eat dinner and then go out in the neighborhood to Trick or Treat. Thanks to the Fields' 2 of our 3 kids were using hand-me-down costumes that were given to us by them last spring. Thanks guys for the dragon & Spiderman! We started running the streets around 6:30 and finally finished our route at 7:45. The kids ran in mass from house to house. I was exhausted by the end of the night and I just waited at the end of the driveway for them to return and never ran like they did. Luca, no joke ran the entire night! He was a crazy boy, but the cutest little dinosaur I ever saw! He would shout "trick or treat" up and down the street and would go up to the door of the house saying that or "canny?" with an outstretched hand. He was very polite and said "thank you" before tearing off to the next house. Emma told people she was a "spooky dragon" but who would believe her with her cute smile? The weather was in the 50s and made for a perfect night to be outside. We have a mass of candy but with Samuel being banned from chocolate (all caffeine products) for the time being by the doctor it may slow down the devouring process. (Read the previous post if that comment has lost you.) Okay, enough from me. Here is the evening in pictures.