Thursday, March 19, 2009

This & That

Spring has arrived and maybe because of the temperatures being close to 70, I have been pulled more to being outside than to the computer. We have another 10 days yet before we "spring forward" but it sure is nice to have increasingly longer days. Along with the spring blossoms emerging from their dormant winter homes, people once again are making themselves visible after the winter months. Our bike path is now constantly occupied with joggers/bikers/walkers, lines of laundry now provide splashes of color from the balconies, flower boxes too are gradually making their appearance on balconies and as mentioned previously we once again see that indeed we do have neighbors who actually live here.

The past few weeks have been busy. Nothing new yet to report on the ESL front, still working and waiting on that. Weekly guitar lessons continue to go well for Jonathan. To my pleasant surprise and excitement Tuesdays have now turned in to a cooking exchange for me during Jonathan's lesson time. Two mothers, Silvia & Maruska, stay at the church while their kids attend lessons. It provides me with a wonderful opportunity for more conversation time and to develop deeper relationships with these dear ladies. After inquiring about what Italian dishes I make or know how to make, Silvia suggested that they teach me how to cook some Italian dishes--the right way! Last week I had my first official lesson in pizza making! So yummy when done the right way!! Next week I will teach them how to make Mexican rice and the rotation will continue.

The kids are doing well and I will have to post some more pictures of them soon. The daily montra from the kids is that they want to stay home from school. However, they always come home so excited about their days and said they had a fun time. The excitement and anticipation for the weekend is already present at their young age.

We are told that Emma does not talk much at school either in English or Italian. However, Italian is just starting to explode from her mouth when she comes home. She is our silent observer, always listening and always learning. When she speaks it is with clarity and preciseness. It was the same way when she began to speak English. Samuel on the other hand always has to be talking, whether it's gibberish or intelligible. He'll talk non-sense until his mouth catches up to his mind to then produce what he wants to say. So in Italian he'll speak non-sense with his Italian words coming clearly at the end of his phrases. So interesting to watch their learning styles.

Luca on the other hand is more physical than verbal. His facial and body expressions are a clear indication of how he is feeling. His siblings are really proud of themselves when they get him to repeat them, saying "I'm helping Luca learn how to talk." He's getting there but for almost 3 years old, he definitely is lagging compared to his siblings at the same age. Each child is so unique and it is a joy to watch them grow and learn given their individual personalities. We thank God for our precious children--they are such a blessing!


Benny Lava said...

I like them too.

and of course, the cooking rotation immediately catches my eye, and makes me think... "huh, i need to get me some of those lessons." If you ever write down recipes/directions, you'll have to let me know so that I can stem the tide of americanized italian food at least in the small sphere of Cedarville.

Ben and Melissa said...

Thanks for the update Noella...I miss seeing pictures of the kids! Glad things are going well and that it starting to feel like spring again. Hope you have a great week! love you lots!