Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Emma's Story

This is a story that has been our intention to write for the past week and a half. In no way does our delay in relating this story to you mean that we were not ecstatic and overjoyed by this life changing decision in Emma's life. It has just been a matter of time to sit down and give the recount the attention it deserves.

On Friday, May 29th Emma trusted in Jesus! It is a precious story and one of which I will always reflect upon with a huge smile and great joy. As I was tucking Emma in for the night and about to close the door, she said "Mamma, I have a surprise for you. But you can't peak." So I covered my eyes with my hands and when I removed them she said "I TRUST IN JESUS!" Totally not what I was expecting her to say at all! She continued to say "I don't have to wait, I can trust Jesus right now. And now I don't have to go to the lake of fire. I can go to heaven because I trust in Jesus!" Her little squeals of delight as she talked were so precious that I'm positive they tickled the ears of Jesus. I then sat down on her bed and asked her a number of questions in relation to Jesus, the cross, sin and repentance. All of which she answered in confidence according to Bible. We then prayed together and then Dada came in to hear his big surprise and pray with her as well.

We have been working our way through the Gospel of Mark as a family and we had just finished reading the section on Jesus loving the little children. "'Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.' And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them." (Mark 10:14b-16) We rejoice in Emma's expression of faith as a child!

We found it very interesting how this announcement is so fitting with her personality. She doesn't do much without first having worked it through in her head. Once she "gets it" then she will express herself, like learning Italian. She didn't want to talk much unless it was right. So she worked her need of salvation through in her head (with the help of the Holy Spirit), prayed to Jesus on her own and then told us. Even when asking her follow-up questions the next day her responses were like "Mamma, I already told you. I trust in Jesus. Yup, I'm going to heaven." It was a matter of fact and spoken with such confidence.

Samuel has been praying that all five of us; Dada, Mamma, me, Emma & Luca, will all be in heaven together. Now it is so sweet to hear him and Emma pray for Luca to trust in Jesus. What a precious gift our children are to us. We pray for Samuel and Emma's growth spiritually, for their conviction of sin and desire to learn about God and walk with Jesus. The responsibility as parents to guide them and direct them continually to God's word is no small task. We covet your prayers in this process and for God's grace to abound all the more when we fail. And of course continue to pray for Luca's salvation.


Benny Lava said...

She's cute :-)

Great story.

Munga and Gramma said...

What a precious, precious story. Noella, you did such a lovely job in describing it, that I feel like I was there! Dear Emma, Munga and Gramma are so thrilled that you trusted in Jesus...and someday we will all be together in heaven forever and ever! We love you and are praying that you will grow into a wonderful lady of God!

Ben and Melissa said...

Congratulations Emma! We praise God for the decision you have made to trust in Jesus. What a blessing you are to your mom and dad. We will pray for your continued spiritual growth and that someday Luca would put his trust in Jesus as well. Please pray that Maddie and Hudson will someday come to know and understand Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour. We love you so much!

Jay said...

I think that is the BEST secret we have ever heard! Welcome to the family of God, Emma! We will pray that you will grow and love Jesus more and more! What precious little soldiers you and Samuel are to your little brother. We trust he will follow in your footsteps in time. Loving you with all our hearts!
Papa & Nano