Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Another First

Yesterday Luca lost his very first tooth!  Kind of makes me sad to see my little baby not so little any more.  He eats at least one apple a day, so the past few weeks his apple eating has been done with great caution.  As I was watching him eat his apple at lunch his tooth kept flipping forward indicating it was hanging on my a thread.  I told him I needed to pull it or else he was going to swallow it.  He agreed (probably having no idea what I was about to do).  One little tug and it was out.  He was delighted but a little surprised by the blood.  No worries--he is a tough kid.  Now we have to get used to him speaking with a much greater lisp until he adjusts to the new change in his mouth.

Luca - 5 years and 7 months

After lunch he put his tooth in a bag and said he "had to go lay down in bed now, so I can get money from the tooth fairy."  His two siblings informed him that she only come at night "like around midnight when you are sleeping."  And yea, for the tooth fairy remembering to drop in last night.

1 comment:

Munga and Gramma said...

Wow, Luca- Pretty neat! You're growing up so fast! Have fun spending your euro- you deserved to get one from the tooth fairy!

Love you!

Munga and Gramma