Monday, November 11, 2013

Looking back at October

October came and went far too quickly!  We enjoyed the month of moderate temperatures in the 50s and 60s with some rain thrown in the mix.  Walking to and from school with the color changes on the trees and the crunch of leaves underfoot were soul refreshing times of the day for me.  Summer gardens were turned and were replaced with hearty winter vegetables or left to rest for the coming months.  

The past month our house was filled with smells of homemade applesauce, pumpkin bread, coffee with homemade pumpkin creamer and afternoon tea. 

 The garden was turned with some enthusiastic shovel digging kids.

At the supermarket we found a somewhat descent pumpkin to carve, from the choice of four pumpkins.  We missed the experience of going to a pumpkin patch and purposely avoided f*cebook so as not to become jealous of the American traditions we so miss out on this time of year.  But maybe next year we will have a patch of our own.  Fatty batty was the kids' choice this year and Jonathan did his annual carving for them.

We participated in the community "trick-or-treating" where the kids ran from store to store collecting candy or in the case of the bakeries, warm cookies out of the oven.  Free hot chocolate, that is more like pudding it is so thick and delicious, kept us warm while the kids got their faces painted and played games in the piazza.

Then in a blink of the eye, we entered November.

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