Wednesday, October 1, 2014

#1 Supporters

We have a lot of people that stand behind us in our calling to reach the country of Italy.  So many who sacrifice monthly to give towards the work here, who pray faithfully for us and the people we are ministering to, and who seek to encourage and cheer us on through our joys and trials.  All missionaries count on their support team, but I wonder how many can actually say their #1 supporters are their own parents.  We have been so blessed to have not just one set, but both sets of parents who are fully supportive of our calling! 

This fact, however, does not mean that what God has called them to do in letting us go--and having their grandchildren live across the ocean, an easy road for them.  I know there are tears and I know there are days in which they would do anything to have us living next door.  I sometimes wonder how they do it.  The answer goes back to God who through his amazing love, mercy and grace gives them joy, peace, hope and faith for each day.

My heart and prayers go out to my parents especially today as they say "goodbye" for the third time in less than 2 months to yet another child and their family who are obeying God's calling to go out to the nations.  They now have four children in four different countries on 3 continents.  That is not easy--please pray for them!
Recently, I read two articles that are very worthy reads in understanding the relationship between missionaries and their parents.  The second, is one that both our parents have accomplished to the fullest.  

A letter to the Grandparents of my Third Culture Kids

For Parents and Grandparents of Overseas Workers

Thank you Mom and Dad Fisher, and Mom and Dad Kleis for giving your children to the Lord and the sacrifice you too are making for the Kingdom!  We love you beyond what words could ever express and we thank you for supporting us emotionally, physically and most importantly on your knees.

1 comment:

Mom Kleis said...

It is our great privilege to help you in any way that God enables us. We love you and miss you but are so blessed to see how our Father is using you to glorify Himself and bring His Word to those around you. We would have it no other way. You are all a special gift to us (and the links you posted brought tears to my eyes).

Mom and Dad Kleis, aka
Munga and Gramma

Mom and Dad Kleis