Over two months have passed since our return from the annual SHARE family education conference in Hungary. Life has been very very busy, but to be honest, maybe I just needed a little more time to personally process this year's experience before writing here. It was a particular year with the emotional and spiritual state, especially of our teens. They both had super hard fall semesters that really were so emotionally draining for them and us as parents. So many late night talks, tears and wrestling through hard life issues. This whole parenting teens thing is not for the faint of heart. By the end of February, we were all in need of some encouragement and refreshment.
On the road to Hungary... 9-hour drive, with 1 stop. Talk about focus at the wheel! |
Lots of productive knitting time |
Pro travellers |
Our arrival in Siofok at sunset |
God's ways and timing are always perfect and once again he amazingly orchestrated a conference with speakers, leaders, counselors and educational advisors that were able to address our family's needs and concerns. Each year there has been a different focus and group of volunteers offering various services and expertise, so you never get the same thing year after year. How gracious and good that our Father knows our needs before we do and provided for us in a very special way this year--as he always does.
Lake Balaton - not frozen over this year! |
Last December, Samuel came to us and asked if we might consider allowing him to home school next year. It came to us as a surprise, because he has done so well in the Italian classical high school. But the academic achievement is being paid for at the price of his mental, physical and emotional health. Anxiety already being a daily struggle with his sensory processing disorder, was only increasing over the course of last fall as the pressure and demands kept getting heavier. With two hours of commute time each day, homework and studying, plus online TPS English class, he seriously had no room to breathe or have a life. And the next three years would be all the harder along with adding a 6th day of school to his week. We could see it...he was beginning to break just a few months into the school year. So we devoted ourselves to prayer, asking God to lead us in doing what is best for Samuel. Additionally, we sought counsel from others including the SHARE staff who are always available to us throughout the year and by the time February came along we made the decision to transition Samuel to a home school setting for the remainder of his high school career.
I have never homeschooled before in my life, so you better believe I was relieved knowing that we were headed to SHARE to get help. I am so thankful for the resource team that helped walked me through so many crucial details and providing the direction needed to get us started on the right foot with this new adventure. Thankfully, Samuel's core classes for next year will be taken from The Potter's School online and I will only have to generate a few courses myself to fill out a full schedule for him. It was an information dump during SHARE but now that I have had time and perspective, I think I have a better handle of what I need to do. I'm not alone and that is such a huge comforting factor knowing that I can call out to a number of other cross-cultural homeschooling moms to help and cheer me on.
The teens dug deep all week and a lot was laid down at the feet of Jesus |
Another unexpected difficulty was that during this year's conference Samuel had a total of five panic attacks during the week. (He did give me permission to share this here on the blog, but the specific reasons I will refrain from sharing publically.) Again, he had been on the edge so to speak with his anxiety levels for many months prior, but still, it took him and us by surprise considering this was supposed to be "the best week of the year." Again, God had leaders, physicians, and counselors in place who were able to help us through these episodes and give recommendations for follow up care. It was an emotional and heavy week for me, with lots and lots of tears!! BUT GOD, worked in Samuel's life in such a way that by the end of the week he said: "that was the hardest SHARE ever, but most monumental." He came away feeling closer to God and was really able to start to do some soul digging. I tear up just thinking about how much love and care Samuel received that week. We are so blessed. We praise the Lord, he has not had a panic attack since.
Samuel's best friend, Sydney
Her final SHARE, another reason making the week bitter-sweet |
This was Emma's second year in the teen group and her first year on the worship team. Over the past year, she has spent hours upon hours up in her room teaching herself the ukelele, acoustic and electric guitar and singing--with the door closed. She does not play for us so we have to wait for a recital or Instagram post (@emmakl_music) to be able to hear her. (Go follow her!)You can imagine our joy and excitement to see and hear her play and worship live with her peers. On Thursday night the teens had an open night of worship where anyone could join them. She did a fantastic job and we are so proud of her hard work and heart to serve the Lord in this way at SHARE. It was a commitment and sacrifice to lead each day, but an experience she learned from and she was tremendously blessed by the team and stronger friendships developed.

In a lot of ways, it was hard this year for Emma having had her closest friends from SHARE move back to the US over the past 1-2 years. That move across the pond really does change things. She felt hesitant to put herself out there again because every time she does she just ends up having to say good-bye. That fear is not uncommon with MKs, but we pray she will continue to risk. This group of friends is a huge source of encouragement to her throughout the year. Keep loving Jesus and others with reckless abandon, Emma. We are thankful for the trusted and godly leaders you were able to share some struggles with over the course of the week. Our kids need that outside voice speaking into their lives, and this is what SHARE has been able to do for our family.
bah-ha-ha...that's a mouth full! |
The teens once again had their program and activities at another hotel, so I did not take any of these photos, but thankfully many others did so I could see our kids in action with smiles and enjoying their week.
Costume night Emma and Emma were M&Ms and Samuel was Jurassic Park's Alan Grant |
Mrs. T - Teen leader extraordinaire who loves and cares deeply for our MK teens |
Luca had a tranquil week in his final kid-group year. He can't wait to be a part of the teen group but thankfully he was in good company with several other old 12-year olds. We did not have to address any specific concerns for him this year. He had lots of fun playing with his friends, going to the pool sans parents, playing ultimate frisbee outside with the teens and being the life of the party. He was the only one who stayed with us in the apartment so we saw him just a little bit more than the other two during the week, but not much.
Mrs. Dyer's class Theme of the week: Ancient Rome |
Daniel Hahn was the devotional speaker this year and was absolutely fantastic! He spoke to our hearts about restoration, failure, courage and the presence of God.
The Dodds did an incredible job once again in leading our worship time and it is a gift to have them minister in this way to us year after year.
Other tidbits of happenings from the week:
- 2019 SHARE Statistics: 80 workers, 70 teens, 100 0-12 year olds, 100 adults, 20 countries
- We had zero children in the talent show this year, but hopefully next year.
- Jonathan was able to fully participate with maximum energy this year having full control over his food, thanks to the possibility of staying in an apartment available on the hotel grounds in which I could cook all his meals.
- I think there were 10 families represented by our agency this year. It just keeps growing! It's always amazing and a highlight to reconnect with our dear friends serving in the CEEMed region. We maintained our annual tradition of Thursday night dinner at Amigo. My apologies for no group picture--I dropped the ball big time this year in taking photos. I am so sad I did not get one with my group of precious besties. Next year ladies!
My one friend photo of the week with Angela. |
The only pic I have from the ladies tea this year...so sad because this is another highlight of the week |
God is so good and faithful to provide for us each year to attend this life-giving conference! We give him praise for how he equips and transforms our lives for His glory through this experience. We will carry with us the truths and lessons learned from 2019 and anticipate reuniting with our fellow sojourners in 2020. Just nine months away...