Tuesday, March 27, 2018

It Never Gets Old

SHARE 2018

I say it every year...but there is no week out of the year that is more highly anticipated by our kids than the week of the SHARE family education conference. This was our fourth conference and each year we become more and more rooted in relationships that are life breathing and sustaining, especially for our kids who don't have peer Christian friends in their day-to-day lives here in Italy. If you think about the life stages of pre-teens and teenagers, you know it is such a crucial age. One of our concerns and prayers for our children is that they would not become bitter against us for the sacrifices that we as parents have imposed on them because of our calling in missions to the Italian people. By God's grace we have seen them embrace their lives as MKs and I don't think they would trade the hardships and constant stream of goodbyes for anything else--but that doesn't mean it is always easy. Connecting with other kids who understand and relate to their lives, emotions and quirks has been a so critically important in providing them friendships and encouragement.
"We are all weird. And life is weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we call it love." -Robert Fulghum
Our kids call SHARE "home". As they grow older, we are seeing a whole new side of the support network surrounding our kids not just for one week in February, but throughout the year. The uniqueness of this "SHARE family" is how the leaders of the teen group continue to follow the kids throughout the year. On Saturdays, our teens have a virtual youth group meeting of sorts to chat and/or watch movies together. It's a big deal for them and I love hearing their roaring laughter echoing down the stairs each week. On top of that they are texting on a daily basis with their friends all over the world. They are thriving from these life-giving relationships and we could not be happier for them.

We continue to gain so much emotionally, spiritually and educationally from our participation in this conference. This year there were near 40 individuals from our organization alone that attended. It is a reunion that we look forward to every year allowing us to connect with our Central and Eastern European colleagues, who have adopted our family into their region. Our annual dinner together even gave reason for the CEEMed Regional Administrator and his family to make a special trip to Siófok to surprise us.

The keynote speaker this year was Michèle Phoenix. Words cannot be put into writing about the valuable contribution and insights she provided through her lectures. I am still having to chew on and internalize all that she had to share about MKs in relation to grief and I highly recommend her ministry and writings to all missionary families AND to those who desire to understand MKs and the reasons why they might get the label "weird". They are third culture beings and it is a complicated universe that they live in and we wish more people would attempt to understand them. And of course, MKs need some help figuring it out themselves along the way, and Michèle can speak about it because she lives with the title of adult MK. Visit https://michelephoenix.com for valuable resources and insights.

Love her!
Tyler and Bailey Dodds were back again to lead us in worship.
This year both Samuel and Luca received more testing for their sensory processing disorders. We are so thankful for the quality and professional therapists and educators that are brought in to help serve global working families. The ongoing support and counsel received from the occupational therapists throughout the year has been so helpful and I feel like with their support we are doing everything we can to help our boys thrive, grow and succeed with their unique challenges.

How awesome is it to know your online English 2 teacher in real life?! We love Mrs. T! We have known her for years, but this is Samuel's first year in her class and both he and Emma will have her next year too. 
Another highlight from the week was the kids recital. It is always a lovely evening full of great and budding talent. This year Emma participated again with a dance routine. She was intending to perform with two other close friends but they had to back out at the last minute as they were busy serving on staff this year. Emma was a rockstar who adapted at the last minute and had the courage to perform a solo routine for the first time in this venue.

Luca has been itching to perform in the talent show for years, and it might be the sole motivation factor for him begging for guitar lessons. He only began lessons in January at the local music school. The week before we left for SHARE he said he wanted to play in the recital. He only knew one song called "On the Wall." What I found impressive was how he had this 2+ minute song all memorized. The musical talent is starting to emerge in our children, which shouldn't be surprising and I promise to share more later on that topic--but we are literally amazed with their self taught initiatives.

Much relief and joy upon his performance!
It was nice to have the full gang of girls all back on the field this year. It had been two years since I have seen some of them in person so it was a sweet special time of fellowship with them this year. These ladies are a huge source of encouragement to me, always!

Are you bored yet? I should probably just wrap this post up with more pictures.

Medieval Times Week for the 5-12 year olds

Fun and enthusiastic teachers is an understatement
Free time for Luca meant: pool or pool (billiards or swimming)

Pups: 13-14 year olds


...the goodbyes never get easier...
The week of the "Beast from the East" with crazy cold temps and snow.
Luca comes back to the hotel with this picture on his iPod. "Look Mamma,  I am standing on the frozen lake!" Oh, my heart. 
Samuel's perspective of the frozen lake
...until next year...


Stephanie said...

Not bored yet! ;) Just wishful! What a tremendous blessing in your corner of the world!

Lora Kleis said...

Once again, so very grateful as to how God has provided such encouragement and rich blessings in your life. As parents and grandparents we are also so, so thankful for the SHARE Program! Thank you again for taking the time to post your pics and stories!

Love, Mom/Gramma Kleis