Friday, September 11, 2009

School Schedule

Holding true to the advise I was given, the elementary school had posted a notice outside the school gate. It is confirmed that Samuel does indeed start "La Prima" (First grade) on Monday. For the entire first week of school he will only go from 8:30-12:30. There is a brief parent's meeting with the teachers the first day at 8:30am. Kind of crazy since we need to have Emma to her school in the center of town by 9:00am. Hoping the meeting is indeed brief and that they start on time! One can hope, right?!

For the regular school schedule this is how it works:
Monday-Wednesday: 8:30-12:30, 2:00-4:30
Thursday & Friday: 8:30-12:30

Samuel will come home for lunch each day. Thankfully the school is within walking distance and he will get a little break in the afternoons with us at home. I imagine motivating him to go back in the afternoons will be a real thrill!

Emma will start her final year of Scuola Materna also on Monday.
Her schedule will be Monday-Friday, 9:00am-4:00pm

To me it sounds like lots of running around, back and forth, but maybe it won't be so bad. I'll let you know.


Mark and Rachel said...

It's interesting that the younger one goes to school more! And for full days.

Noella said...

Yes, I agree it is most interesting, but normal starting from age 2. We did have the option of sending Samuel to a school that goes 40 hrs. a week w/ lunch at school but, for obvious reasons opted out of that.

tara said...

Wow, so Samuel comes home in the afternoons for lunch? I hope it goes easier than you're thinking to send him back afterwards. I kinda think it sounds cool to be able to see Elli in the middle of her day. Praying for ease with getting into a routine!