Monday, January 9, 2012

His Protection

Our Christmas vacation ended with quite an unexpected bang, of sorts.  I had three blog posts I was hoping to get written before the weekend, but my delay can be explained by the following happenings in our household...

I woke up Thursday morning around 5am with some extreme itching.  I felt like I had gotten bit in several spots, so got up to put some anti-itch cream on.  I returned to a light sleep before feeling as though I was getting bit again.  I got out of bed at that point, not wanting to continue to be live bait for some happy little creature.  The itching subsided and I had no more issues apart from still seeing a couple of red spots on my stomach and arms.

Later that afternoon, for our family fun day we headed to the Egyptian museum in Torino (post to come).  I started to feel itchy again after getting in the car but had forgotten to bring the anti-itch cream.  I thought, oh well, I am sure I will survive a few hours.  The itching kept getting worse and I would rub and scratch only feeling slightly gratified by the relief that would provide.  We continued on and I tried to enjoy the museum but was completely distracted by the growing discomfort.  Thankfully it was a small museum!

When we got back to the car I lifted up my shirt only to discover welts and redness across my entire torso, front and back, and arms.  Something was not right!  We stopped at the pharmacy on the way home and got a mega anti-histamine.  The pharmasist was convinced my reaction was not from a bug, but rather a food or contact allergy.  Nothing changed in my diet, so I knew it was not that.  I had to then think back over 24 hours previously when I used a sample liquid talc I received from a store.  That was the only thing different and I am convinced the cause of my allergic reaction.

I nearly cried when I got home seeing my body covered in hives, but not much time to dwell on that with dinner that must be gotten out and a family to be cared for.  The drugs started to kick in after dinner in which I started to feel pretty groggy, but unable to sleep because of the pain still.  A baking soda bath was taken and finally around midnight I was able to doze off and get some good sleep.

The itching did not return and just some slight skin discoloration remained when I woke up.  I took my second dose upon waking up in the morning as instructed by the pharmasist and was back in bed two hours later sleeping.  After lunch I started to feel some chest pain and pressure, almost like I had a piece of food in my esophogus that I could not swallow.  I felt completely lethargic, struggled to put thoughts together and just not all there.  I decided I would not take my 3rd dose in the evening but rather when I went to bed that night.  After eating dinner I started to get severe chest pain and felt nauseous.  The sweating followed and when I got up to go to the bathroom my world started to spin and turn black and it was hard to breathe.  Apparently my lips were blue and face ashen.  I called Jonathan and told him to call emergency.  He was giving them our address when I started to pull out of it.  I never completely lost consciousness, thankfully.  I started to recover and he decided to bring me in himself.

So pajama adorned and kids in tow, we headed to the "guarda medica" here in town.  We figured best to go locally before having to drive the distance to an ER.  The doctor on call there is equipped to handlle some basic non-emergency medical care.  She checked me out and although my blood pressure was still low, everything else was okay after experiencing anaphylactic shock.  She took me off the drug I had and gave me a cortezone shot to continue the treatment for my allergic skin reaction, which had not reappeared since the previous night.

I am so thankful for the Lord's protection over me.  For the strength given to Jonathan and the kids when seeing Mamma not feeling well.  His grace is always sufficient and all glory is given to Him in the good and hard experiences of life.  It is Monday, and I am still experiencing weakness and not 100% yet.  The hives are gone, but the body is still recovering internally I guess from these 2 back to back allergic reactions.

I know that was a long post, but I wanted to write it out so I can look back and be reminded of God's protection and watchcare over our family.


Pastor D said...

Glad to hear that things turned out well. Allergic reactions are a serious danger. You are exactly right to praise God for His protection and deliverance.

Manuela said...

Wow ragazzi, immagino la preoccupazione. Il Signore e' stato proprio buono... quanto siamo fragili. Noella cerca di fare dei test allergici se puoi.. Baci da South-Cal!

Anonymous said...

Whoa. Scary.
Praise the Lord you have a happy ending and that the whole incident happened AFTER the stomach flu marathon.
Mary Lynn

Stephanie said...

Thankful for God's protection over your life and family!