Sunday, October 5, 2008

Post Family Farm

Yesterday we went to the Post Family Farm just down the road to partake in a real fall tradition, Michigan style. Growing up in California the seasons were not celebrated as dramatically as they are in the Midwest. I do love the fall with all the color changes and going to the pumpkin patch just can't be beat. It is one thing we miss about our falls in Italy, so we are taking full advantage of the festivities and American traditions since our future time in the States will primarily consist of summer visits.

This farm was ideal for the kids complete with: animal farm, pumpkin train ride, hayride to a u-pick pumpkin patch, playground, kids crafts, face painting, games, pony rides (maybe next time we'll pay extra for the pony rides) and much more! All the kids had a blast! We came home with pumpkins and a dozen fresh, HOT homemade apple cider donuts that were out of this world!

Luca found it very funny that the goats would eat anything he gave them and kept trying to get the donkey to be enticed by the same things.
The goat up top was waiting for it's food to be dropped from the can as Samuel operated the pulley system.
These 3 will never smile and look at the camera at the same time so we'll take what we can get!
Admission was $6 for this endless amount of farm fun...I guess that's how a farm makes a profit these days...I think the Fisher Family Farm should give it a try! What do you think Papa?
The pumpkin train
Playing in the hay stack was great fun. Poor Samuel needed to come home and take a dose of Benadryl as a result.

More pumpkin train
Hayride to the pumpkin patch
Luca was a little upset that the tractor and wagon left him out in the field.

Samuel said his favorite thing was the zip-line. The first time was not so successful but he soon got the hang of it!
And that's about it for one fall day here in Michigan.


Ben and Melissa said...

Great pictures of the kids! We are so glad the kids are able to experience all these seasonal things while here in the states. Can't wait to see what the kids carved!

Munga and Gramma said...

Sorry we were gone and couldn't go to the farm with you, but thanks for the great pictures! (I hear the "goat platform" is not unusual for petting farms in Michigan!)

Papa & Nano said...

What fun! Brings back memories of our little pumpkin patch in the valley. Someone just told me that if you carve your name on the pumpkin while it is still on the vine, the pumpkin will grow it's skin in the carving and your name will be written on it! I thought that would be fun if you were to grow your own. I'll have to talk with Papa about that one. Wish we were there with you. The kids are growing up so quickly. Can't wait to see you next month! Love to all!

tara said...

Sorry I'm late in posting this, but what awesome pics you guys got--that looked like such a fun place! So glad you are all able to enjoy a little more of fall. Hope you're having a really good week my friend!