Monday, October 19, 2009

Random Pics

I just realized that I have not taken many pictures of the family at all recently.  I really need to try to capture more random moments so we'll see how that new resolve goes from here on out. 

Definitely a rare moment to catch this boy sleeping. Lately Luca has been having a harder time going to sleep during nap time and so when it's time to get him up he has been in this deep heavy sleep, not stirring a muscle as the serrandas are raised. One of those times when I appreciate Luca's independent spirit is during the night. When he wakes up he is stealthy quite. He doesn't call for me or wake his sleeping brother. For example, last night he woke up at 2:30am. I heard the bathroom light click on and I lay there wondering if he had wet his bed and needed to be changed. I lay there waiting to see what he would do. He just proceeded to use the bathroom and then turn off the light and return to bed closing the doors ever so quietly and getting back under his covers. So awesome!  Or sometimes he'll wake first in the morning and walk in to our room and then just stand there next to the bed waiting for me to either let him crawl in to bed for some cuddles or venture downstairs to the living room without ever saying one word. Samuel on the other hand still to this day screams for Mamma upon waking.

Right after "Mamma's barbershop" closed--my boys and their fresh hair cuts!

And of course, Emma wanted in on the picture taking too


tara said...

Cute pictures : ) We just did haircuts too. Our boys are having trouble with naps too--I'm not ready for that to end yet!

Munga and Gramma said...

What precious pictures! Isn't it amazing how God makes each little one so different! Life never becomes boring. Thanks for sharing with us. Love to you all.

Ben and Melissa said...

Love the pictures! We miss you guys so much. Love you lots!

Jay said...

These pictures brought tears to my eyes! I realized how very much I miss you all! Please don't stop showing us pictures! These are ever-so cute and I especially loved Luca's night time story. What precious grandchildren we blessed....
Papa & Nano