Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Just Because...

Don't you just love those moments in life when someone surprises you with something special...just because?!  This past week we have been showered by gifts from various people.  Recently, a small group from one of our supporting churches, Rock Point Baptist Church, chose to "adopt" our family.  They wrote us and wanted to know more specifically how to pray for our family and then they asked what they could send us to be of encouragement.  Prayer requests and ideas were exchanged and then out of the blue last week an Amazon gift card arrived in our inbox for the use of purchasing books for our Kindle.  We were totally blown away by their most generous amount and are thrilled to be adding more material to our reading list.  I think I might have to change my goal of reading 1 book a month to 2!

Then yesterday our "personal" SDA delivery man came with 2 boxes from the States.  One was again from this same small group filled with goodies.  The kids were SO excited for the surprise package.  There was a pile of books for them, candy, pop tarts, colored pictures and notes from other children, extract flavorings and seasonings for the kitchen and notes from families in the group saying they are praying for us and our ministry.  The kids kept saying "Thank You Indiana!"  It is really special to have this intimate connection with a supporting church.  We do thank you RPBC for your desire to know and encourage your missionaries through this personal extension of love, sacrifice, encouragement and prayer.

The second box came from the Michigan grandparents in anticipation of Luca's birthday.  No peaking or early surprises from that box for the kids.  However, included was a gift from a dear college friend.  In my attempt to support her new home business I placed an order for a few cleaning items, but was outright refused as she wanted to gift them to me.  She proceeded to tell me that each month she is choosing to send a portion of her earnings to missions.  I love her heart for Jesus, and even though she could use each penny to make ends meet for her own family each month, she is choosing to give her first fruits back to God and trusting that God will provide just what they need.  Jodi, you are such an example to me and a friend that extends across the miles and years of separation.  Love you, girl!  And, if I can make a shameless plug for her business....within minutes of using these Norwex cloths....I am sold on these products!  For the first time dusting is not a game of reorganizing dust particles, but actually removing them.  And now I can save money and go green on my cleaning methods, which means the kids are going to get schooled in how to do all the bathroom cleaning and dusting!!  Check out Jodi's site and catalog here.

Thank you so much to ALL of you who so faithfully communicate your love for us and pray for us regularly.  It is such a huge encouragement to us, you really have no idea...and we don't say thank you nearly as often as we should.  Thank you dear friends and family!!  We love you!!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

These surprises are the best kind! What a neat gift. How does reading on the Kindle compare to holding a book in your hand? I'm considering it but haven't convinced myself yet.