Saturday, May 14, 2011

Book of the Month: April

I had to laugh at my dear husband the other night when I told him I really need to post about my book of the month for April.  He sincerely asked (or maybe he was mocking me) if I was posting on THE best book I read that month?  Seriously?!  He should know by now what a great feat it is for me to get just one book read a month!  Maybe I'll be able to rise to the challenge during the summer months and double up on my reading time, we'll see.

The book I read in April was A Praying Life: Connecting with God in a Distracting World by Paul Miller .  It was a wonderful, challenging, honest and insightful book.  I actually was reading this book at the same time that I listened to the 2011 Pastor's Conference put on by Desiring God.  Paul Miller was one of the featured speakers for the conference and really the book and conference audio together were an amazing blessing to my heart.  I would highly recommend both to you!

This editorial review written on the book reflect my thoughts as well of the book:
Prayer, the concept and the practice, exposes our core doubts and desperation for God. Paul Miller captures the promise of prayer as a gift that connects us to the heart of the Father and as a path for transforming the world. Paul Miller's honest struggle with living a life full of prayer and his childlike delight in hearing the heart of God invites us to gratitude and calls us to speak boldly to our God. This book will be like having the breath of God at your back. Let it lift you to new hope.
Or for any even better and more elaborate review of the book go here.


Rachel said...

This is a good book! I read it last spring with a girl's book study group. I took to heart the challenge to start using prayer cards like he suggests - starting with maybe 7 cards and adding verses/cards as I've gone along. I don't use them as faithfully as I should, but I know God is answering the prayers on those cards for heart/character change, esp. in me (on my card!). Several things have happened during this (very frustrating) year of life that I just haven't understood. When I questioned God re: why He had answered many prayers, it was as if the Spirit said "I am, just not like you thought, and some of the cards have to wait until I've worked on some of the others awhile." I hope you get the chance to use this valuable tool if you need a good prayer tool!

Rachel said...

oops! That should say "why He HADN'T answered many prayers" because at first I didn't see that He was!