Sunday, June 23, 2013

Piano Recital

On Saturday, June 15th Samuel and Emma participated in the end of the year musical association recital.  Thankfully this year the recital was not held on a school night and they started with the younger performers at 4:00 in the afternoon.

Samuel and Emma resumed their piano lessons after a seven month break while we were in the States last year.  They both returned to their studies with Samuel the ever willing enthusiastic player and Emma a bit more reluctant and disinterested.  We are so proud of them and that they desired to play for God's glory whether they played perfectly or not.
When did they grow up?!

I was a nervous wreck as Emma was frantically trying to memorize her piece just days prior.  I did that once myself and it was a disastrous performance.  A very similar thing did end up happening to her when the next note just didn't come to her finger tips.  I admire her courage and composure as she just restarted the whole piece and played it through without any problems,  something I was unable to do under the same pressure.  Emma played "Minuet" by J.S. Bach.

Samuel was very calm, although his practicing was more steady from day one and he quickly memorizes music.  I wanted to insist they carry their music with them on stage but both were sure they could play from memory.  Go kids!  Samuel played "Swanee River" by Stephen Foster.

Maestro Ruben with his star students

1 comment:

Munga and Gramma said...

So very proud of how much you both practiced and practiced to learn your music! Bravo! You are using the talents God has given you to glorify Him. We love you!

Munga and Gramma