Saturday, August 31, 2013

Final Week

I was pleasantly surprised that this week prior to our move was not overly stressful.  I totally was not expecting that, but I guess my steady pace over the past couple of weeks paid off.  Today and tomorrow are a different story as I can now put the final items in boxes in preparation for transporting a few loads tomorrow when we get our keys and then the big moving day on Monday.

There was a lot of work done this week to get contracts switched, applications picked up and filled out so that we can begin our process of renewing our permits to stay next week, meeting with current and future landlords, future renter of Casa Isonzo, grocery shopping, gathering school supplies, trip to IKEA, cooking ahead (and blogging).  Hopefully some pre-made meals stashed in the freezer will help during the long, chaotic days of unpacking and painting. The kids enjoyed one last run through the sprinklers, helped out in the kitchen and played with LEGOs for hours on end since those are the last toys to be boxed.  Grateful for God's grace and strength both physically and emotionally as we prepare to say good-bye to a home we love and where we've created so many special memories these past six and a half years.  He is good!

Here is our final week at Casa Isonzo in pictures.

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