Sunday, September 22, 2013

Hot Off The Press

3 months, 2 translators--Jonathan & Melissa, and 360 pages later we have the first copy of "Percorso Speranza"(Journey to Hope) in our hands!  Great job guys!!

And just in time as the first lesson begins tomorrow afternoon.  We are thankful and excited for the opportunity to teach, coach and encourage a brother and sister pair who have signed up for the course.  We will walk alongside them intimately over the next 11 weeks as we meet together twice a week to work through the translated Jobs for Life™ material and subsequent 4 Bible studies we put together on reconciliation with God, ourselves, others and creation.  We pray this new and unique initiative will serve to be of benefit to many in our community who are in need of work.  We pray too for open doors to deeper conversations as the material is biblically based.  Pray for wisdom as we lead this group of students on Mondays and Thursdays.


Mom and Dad Kleis said...

So thankful that this new area of ministry will be starting, and we will pray for God's working in the lives of those who will be attending. We appreciate your faithfulness in the long road of translating the materials. We love you!

Mom and Dad Kleis

teamfish said...

Way to go, guys! Praying for you and your new friends as you embark on this new material. -- M