Wednesday, November 13, 2013

:: Emma turns NINE ::

The countdown leading up to Emma's 9th birthday was an intense one.  For the past month, not a day went by that she did not express her excitement about the upcoming day and drop hints and requests about gift ideas.  Then when she found out we were going to have her party a day early, she began to tell others that her birthday was on November 3rd, instead of the 4th.

As mentioned previously, we had a house full of guests over her birthday weekend.  And they came bearing gifts galore that were toted around for the previous 2 weeks during their European travels.  I think their sore backs were soon forgotten seeing and hearing the sheer excitement exude from Emma's mouth all night long.

 …party glasses, balloons, candles, candy…they came ready to party!

 Not shy to being the center of attention all night long, this little girl went over the top with her "oohs" and "aahs" with every gift.  In a seriously genuine, very grateful and decidedly happy response with each gift, it made for a very entertaining night.  Her facial reactions say it all...  

  "WOW!…this is soooo CUTE!"


We couldn't be more proud of our one and only daughter.  Emma, you bring so much joy and enthusiasm to our lives, a lot of spunk in the middle of your two brothers, creativity and artful living…because you are so uniquely and wonderfully made by our great God!  We pray God will continue to grow you in every way so that you will reflect His love and glory to all around you.  You are loved always...


This note just warms my heart and reminds me just how special these moments of celebrations are in the life of our family…just 346 more days to go!

1 comment:

teamfish said...


We LOVE to see your grateful heart shine through in special moments like this. What a blessing you are to us and so many! Thank you for reminding us what a joy it is to rejoice in the little and big things in life - banners and birthdays. We thank God that He made you and that we get to enjoy life with you as family!

Uncle Cody, Aunt Meesh, & Zoe Ann