Monday, October 27, 2014


The kids are all enjoying their new venture in Karate this year.  Jonathan, too is enjoying his return to martial arts after a long hiatus.  He took Karate as a kid and got pretty high in his belt color and then our first year of marriage we took Kung Fu together.  The kids could hardly believe that this Mamma knows how to wield nunchucks and deliver a powerful punch and kick.  Unfortunately, I don't think we have any pictures to back up my story since that was before the age of camera phones and the need to document every moment of one's life.  I guess they'll just have to take my word for it!

My little karate kids head out with their dad on Thursday nights for lessons.  Kids and adults warm up together for the first hour and then are divided by rank to work on their moves.  The kids are catching on fast.  Jonathan says it is like riding a bike, as the moves came right back to him and will no doubt quickly advance out of his beginner white belt.  The second hour is the adult class and the kids sit around to watch and wait until their dad is done.  

As for me, I get nearly two and half hours of me-time.  I have been strictly ordered by my husband not to pass the time with housework.  So far I have been good and use the time to knit or read (or fall asleep) in their absence.  I am happy...they are happy...what more could one ask for?

In a few weeks I will tag along to class and get some video because the kids are all anxious for you to see their moves.  So stay tuned for more karate action...

1 comment:

teamfish said...

This is awesome! Can't wait to see your moves! (Noella - that can include you too ;) -- Aunt Meesh