Sunday, May 31, 2015

Music Smarts

Luca is our singer, always humming a tune or creating his own theme music. He does it without  thinking while doing his homework or while playing with LEGOs. Of course, as soon as you ask him to sing he has in the past backed off and agrees only on his terms. Last week we had the joy of seeing him willingly use his developing music smarts both in church and at school.

My vocal partner at church was gone last week since her husband had surgery, so Luca decided he wanted to jump in and help Mamma sing. It was so sweet to have him by my side, taking his job and being up front very seriously. Emma has joined me in the past too when I am the sole vocalist leading worship. The intimate atmosphere allows our kids to participate in this way and I am glad. Every time Jonathan preaches, like this morning, he has our kids read the passage. They read Italian so naturally and do an excellent job. For being the only kids in church, giving them these opportunities to participate and serve is important.

This past week, Luca's 3rd grade class put on a short music recital, i.e. three songs. He did a great job having memorized all the songs in Italian and should be pretty easy to pick out in the video.

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