Monday, October 9, 2017

Humble Church Beginnings

Since the closure of our first church plant "Reset" back in 2012, it has been a long and slow process of (pardon the pun) resetting the ministry in Caselle. Our goal has always remained to see an evangelical church presence in this community of 13,000 people. God in his faithfulness and goodness has allowed us to share in His continuing work here. Rejoice with us...

On October 1, 2017 "Insieme" Evangelical Church of Caselle started Sunday services!

The most recent picture I have of us all, minus one.
The core group of faithful Bible study attendees were ready and asking for this to happen. We feel that by having waited as long as we did that there is a sense of ownership from the very beginning. Our services are very participatory and everyone has a role during the service whether that be reading scripture, leading prayer time, leading in worship, reading liturgy or providing refreshments. It is far from a one-man show and it is beautiful.

One of the most excited groups of people about starting services has been our kids. It has been a joy to witness their enthusiasm. We have a sign up sheet for each weeks responsibilities and Luca is THE very first one to run over and sign up for the following week. His turn around in attitude towards church from "there is nothing to do and I don't understand anything in Italian" to "I want to participate, and Dada's Italian is way easier for me to understand," has been so encouraging. This past Sunday Emma signed up for the refreshments and she made a beautiful amazing apple cake all on her own.

Our beginning is small and humble as we meet in our home. We are learning together as we go and adapting as needed. Now that we have a couple of services under our belts, we are ready to extend the invitation to others who have expressed curiosity and interest in attending a service. Pray that the seats (max. capacity 26) will be filled and that we will outgrow our home setting with lives being transformed and given to Christ.

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