Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sing A New Song

"I have to create.  It is who I am."  - Jonathan Kleis 

I stand in awe and am completely mystified as to how my husband can compose and write music.  It is so beyond my comprehension and truly every time I hear a new piece of his music, I look at him and say "how in the world do you do that?!"  God has gifted us so differently and we are both glad we can stand in awe and appreciate the differences in each other.  

Jonathan thankfully has over the years has created his home recording studio to allow for such creativity.  He is always working on something in his spare time, as it also serves as a stress reliever for him.  He is passionate about music and preaching/teaching.  Recently, he was inspired to combine both gifts in a way that will be a blessing to the church.  In our services in Caselle he has been preaching a series in the Psalms.  He has choosen to preach the "Psalms of Jesus" (those Psalms in which Jesus made reference to).  His goal is also to preach on a different type of Psalm each week (lament, worship, confession, historical etc.)  The idea then came to him to write a song for each Psalm we study as a church to sing corporately.  What a great way to memorize Scripture!  Thus began the Psalms Project.  Jonathan has 3 songs written so far and we sang the first one in church last Sunday.  The goal is to then record these songs and maybe one day you will be able to get an official CD of this project.  But for now, at the request of our parents, here is a very rough and low quality recording I took in church this past Sunday of Jonathan and Lino teaching us the song.  I apologize for the shakiness of the camera, it was hard to record and do kid duty.

Beata La Persona (Salmi 1 & 32)

Beata la persona che non cammina con gli empi
Che non si ferma nella via dei peccatori, degli schernitori
Ma il cui diletto è nella parola del Signore, del Signore
E su quella parola medita giorno e notte, giorno e notte
Rit. Egli sarà come un albero piantato vicino a ruscelli
Il quale dà il suo frutto nella sua stagione, e non appassisce
E tutto quel che fa, prospererà
E tutto quel che fa, prospererà
Gli empi sono come pula che il vento disperde
Non reggeranno davanti al giudizio del Signore
Poiché Lui conosce la via dei giusti, dei giusti
Ma la via degli empi conduce alla rovina, per sempre
Beata la persona a cui l’iniquità è perdonata
Confesserò i miei peccati, e il Signore mi giustifica
Chi confida nel Signor Gesù è circondato
Dalla grazia, dalla vita, e misericordia
(1° strofa e Rit.)

What gifts has God given you?  Are you using them to the fullest for the glory of God?  Do you seek to be a blessing to others with them?


Anonymous said...

Well done Jon! What a blessing this is to hear a beautiful book put to music. We sure enjoyed it! God, I'm sure, is pleased.......
Papa & Nano

Mom and Dad Kleis said...

Thanks so much for sharing this with us! At our Monday night Bible Study we have been studying Psalms, and so often, the words of songs have gone through our minds and hearts. What a blessing for your group to be able to share in musical praise and worship.

We love you!