Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Off to Camp...

Tomorrow morning we depart for our 10-day venture with the teens at camp. We will be traveling 90 minutes from here to the city of Oulx, which is near the French border up in the mountains. We are ready (at least we hope so) for an exhausting 10 days, but are very excited about this wonderful opportunity to minister to this special age group. There will be roughly 40-45 campers from the ages of 13-18.

I needed to take a few minutes break from house cleaning, packing, mowing the lawn, baking cookies etc. I feel like I am packing the entire house! Seriously, I have more packed for 10 days than we did for going back to the states for 5 months. Anyways, we wanted to give you some key points of prayer for the upcoming days...

  • Pray for Jonathan as he teaches God's word each night from Friday-Thursday. Pray for the Spirit to speak through him. Pray for physical and mental strength to communicate clearly and effectively in Italian. He will be using his 7 teaching opportunities to highlight passages from the Gospel of Mark.
  • Pray for those kids who are saved to be strengthened, challenged and encouraged in their faith.
  • Pray for those kids who are unsaved to clearly see their need for a Savior.
  • Pray for Luca and that he will eat the camp food. He is very skeptical about trying foods and all the more when he is taken out of his comfort zone of home.
  • Pray for Noella's strength to care for the kids while Jonathan participates in the events of each day with the youth.
  • Pray for safety, health and good weather.
We look forward to sharing with you all that God will accomplish for His glory during camp. Thank you for your prayers on our behalf!


Jay said...

What a beautiful place to minister! We trust Jon will be a blessing to all the campers and that you, Noella, will have a blessed time with your precious ones.We look forward to hearing all about your experiences. Thank you always for your specific prayer requests.God speed! We love you all!


Praying for all of you this week at camp. Thanks for the prayer update that is so helpful for us far away friends.

Stephanie said...

Sounds exciting! I enjoy reading your updates. In some ways, Chile and Italy have their similarities - or maybe it has more to do with our children being close in age and going through similar transitional experiences. Either way, it's fun to read about what He is doing in your lives there. God bless!