Thursday, July 30, 2009

Summer Fun.

It has been hot here this week! We finally got the pool out of the garage and blown up, thanks to Mamma's big set of lungs. Us kids have been thrilled to "swim" the past few days! Here is just a brief clip of us playing.


Ben and Melissa said...

such fun! Maddie loved seeing her cousins in the pool and wants "more"! We can't view the video because it is private and says we need to accept your friends request...

Noella said...

I think I fixed it now. Thanks Aunt Meli for letting us know. Hopefully now Maddie can watch her cousins over and over again! :0)

Ben and Melissa said...

oh yes I'm sure we will be viewing this video at least 20 times now! Thanks for fixing it! I bet next time Maddie goes in her little pool she will try to jump in like her cousins!

Amee Katharine Yoder Brumbaugh said...

Ciao Jonathan and Noella!
I've enjoyed keeping up with your emails and blogs and have been meaning to say "hi". Ministry seems like it's going so well and you are truly in your element. I'm sure you feel like you've come a long ways since your days in Perguia.
The kids are so beautiful and so grown up!!!!
As for me, I'm teaching middle school in Indianapolis and am still involved in college ministry. I love my church and actually met my husband there... we were married this past March (Renee was actually able to come to the wedding with Jeremiah). I miss Italy and am hoping Ryan, my husband, and I can take a trip there next summer.
Praying for you all!
Gioia, Kate

Munga and Gramma said...

Looks like lots of fun!
Thanks for posting the video-
it makes us smile!

Gramma and Munga