Monday, May 26, 2014

5-Day School Break

We are currently in the middle of an unexpected 5-day weekend, thanks to the regional elections taking place here in Piedmont.  We received notice of the 3-day closure of our kid's elementary school just one week prior.  It seemed to take everyone by surprise which is odd because posters have been plastered up everywhere of candidates and one would think that the place of voting would be known well in advance that the teacher's would have expected the interruption during the final days of the school year.  I don't pretend to understand the Italian logic or their methods of communication and organization.  It is what it is, and our kids are thrilled for the extra days off, making their official countdown of remaining school days: 6!

Luca had a class field trip scheduled well in advance for this Wednesday.  His class will still go even though there is no school.  So Luca gets a 4-day weekend.  Emma's teacher has gone so far as to arrange the use of the church's annex for Tuesday and Wednesday mornings so that they can continue on with the material she had planned to cover for the year.  We were told of the arrangement on Friday afternoon and although not officially mandatory, if she missed she would have to make up any work from those days.  Therefore, Emma gets a 3-day weekend.  Samuel on the other hand will enjoy the full 5-day weekend.

With the end of school in sight and the anticipation of going to America the day after school ends, the energy levels of the kids has really ramped up!  If they are not bouncing off the walls, there are lots of sibling irritation and disputes erupting that are really starting to frazzle my nerves.  Trying to remain patient and loving among fights and what seems like constant whining is very tiring when I have a very long list of things to prepare for in leaving for 3 months.  Prayers for patience and strength would be much appreciated!


Gramma Kleis said...

Will keep praying! Munga has a couple of yard projects that can certainly use all of that pent up energy! (and they can earn a few US dollars to spend on Legos!)


Noella said...

Upon inquiry, I found out that voting was on Sunday and the 3 days following are needed to clean and reset up classrooms.