Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Finishing and Beginning

These final two weeks prior to leaving for the USA have been very busy.  We are nearing the finish line of school and a ministry season with barely enough time it seems to catch our breath before starting another race at a sprinter's pace for the summer.  I have had moments of feeling completely overwhelmed, but "sometimes simply exhaling and doing the next thing is an act of defiance against stress." (Ann Voskamp)  So I focus on today and try to do things well in His strength.

Our hearts are heavy as we leave friends who are hurting and suffering, some of whom are living through such circumstances without hope or the ability to even turn their eyes towards the true source of peace, comfort and joy.  One woman is caring for her husband who has gone from well to being near his final days in the course of two months.  Another woman is awaiting two risky surgeries with an anticipated 50-day hospital stay, another friend is mourning the loss of her husband this past weekend, and more friends are struggling to put food on the table for their families.  It is hard to leave them.  Pray that the times we have shared the gospel and planted seeds would start to take root even in their sufferings and in our physical absence for the summer.

Our final days here have been filled with hospital visitation, a funeral, class parties, preaching, hospitality, graduate essay completion, a weekend graduate school course via Skype, Bible studies, orthodontist appointments, cake decorating, birthday celebrations (Jonathan's and Melissa's this week), meetings, homework, yard work, packing and the list goes on.

Pray we finish well AND start well...

Jonathan was able to complete another graduate school module via Skype over the course of one weekend in April and another in May.  We are thankful for the unexpected opportunity as he was going to have to skip this summer's module since we would be away.  Added bonus was that he was not away for a week in Dublin! He will begin writing his essay in the fall.

A friend of ours asked me for help with a birthday cake for her daughter who was turning 18.  It was a true collaboration as the mom baked the cake and prepared the cream filling, the daughter chose the cake idea and assembled the cakes, while I decorated.  Even with three pairs of hands, it took us a full morning to complete the task with the finishing touches added the next day.  They were thrilled with the results and the money saved.  Here one pays for a cake by the Kilo.  Therefore, this roughly 5Kg cake would have cost 100 euros (20euro/Kg) from the bakery!

Jonathan is well established in the preaching rotation at the church we attend during the interim as we await launching services of our own in Caselle.  It is a joy for me to see him passionately teach from God's word.  Love this man so much!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Team Kleis gives so much love from the heart,to the hands.... such a blessed testimony. Thank you for sharing your heart. We're so excited to see you, that we forget the hardship of leaving those dear people. Reorganizing my prayer time for you.....