Friday, July 5, 2019

Chess Tournament

After a year off of playing in a chess club mainly due to distance and logistical issues, we were thrilled to learn that a club in Caselle opened this past fall in which Luca could participate. For most of the year he has been the oldest kid in the club but that didn't discourage his participation. He has done well to encourage younger players and just learn to love the game more. His instructor, Pasquale  has really taught him a lot as he is a regional champion and has played on an interanational level. On the occassions in which Luca has beat him, it is rather a big deal.

Luca's club hosted their first chess tournament for U14 on June 1. There were 18 kids in total from Caselle and surrounding cities. I brought my knitting and thought hey, I'll get a lot done in the 3 hours of game playing. Nope. I get too distracted and nervous watching games end anywhere from 1 minute to 30 minutes. Luca has grown so much in his outlook and perspective. Years ago, it was all about winning a trophy and when that didn't happen it was so hard and discouraging for him. The two tournaments he played in this year have been so much more relaxed and carefree. If I win, great; if not, it's still good.

Well, Luca finally won a tournament trophy! He placed 2nd in the middle school category and 4th overall, with a record of 3-2.

Congratulations Luca!

Article in the local newspaper
Second column, line two...Luca Kleis

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