Monday, July 22, 2019

Someone joined the "anta" club

That's right! My dear husband joined the "anta club" in June. If you're still lost on what I am talking about it means that he turned the BIG 4-0! And every decade until 100 he will acquire a new level of "anta", in Italian of course (quarANTA, cinquANTA, sessANTA etc.)

My dreamer
I have had the joy of celebrating 22 of Jonathan's birthdays with him and each year I am more amazed by the gift that this man is in my life. I grow to respect and love him more each day. He is confident of who he is in Christ and he has a love for God's word and a desire that all know God's truth and love. I am so blessed to be married to a man that seeks God with all his heart. He loves his family well and we love him! Thankful for a year of good health and that we got to celebrate Jonathan's life together as a family. It was the final week of school and so it was a typical day for you with a visit to the coffee shop in the morning, then choir practice at night in which you took a chocolate cake for others to enjoy and celebrate with you.

forty reasons why we love you!
a gift of leather...he could have sat there all night like this
Living with food allergies and intolerances is not easy. He doesn't often complain about the loss of giving up dining out or missing out on foods he once enjoyed, but believe me it is much be harder than he lets on. For his birthday dinner it was his favorite meal of breakfast with lots of bacon and not a single item he had to avoid! 
Chestnut apple cake

He is a guinea pig lover and just had to bring Lakota in to help blow candles out 

I love you, Jonathan more than words could ever express...and since words are your forté and not mine, I hope you felt all my love on your special day (and every day)! May this be your best decade yet!

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