Tuesday, December 14, 2010

English Class Party

This past Sunday we opened up our home to our three adult ESL classes for a Christmas party.  Twelve students came and some brought their spouses or other family member to join them.  It was a joy for me to meet many for the first time and to extend a warm hand of hospitality to them.  No matter how exhausting preparing for a party can be for me, each time is SO worth it!  This time also served as a wonderful opportunity for us to get to know the students better on a personal level outside of the classroom setting.  And of course for them to relax and communicate in their mother tongue always makes for more lively conversations.

This week Jonathan and Catherine will be giving each of their students a Scripture calendar and we pray that they will take the time to read them and that the doors for spiritual conversations will open up with many.  All of these students intend to continue their English studies at Reset until June.

Nearly half of the students were able to come with many who were disappointed that they had other obligations that evening.

I am finding that Italians rarely sit down at a party.  Conversing while standing is the norm no matter how convenient a chair might be to them.

Now THAT IS a gift basket!!  Jonathan's 7:30 class all chipped in to present him with this gift.  They are so sweet!

1 comment:

Munga and Gramma said...

Looks like a great time was had by all. Thanks for sharing the pictures. We will continue to pray for opportunities to share God's love through the ESL classes.

We love you!